Alitalia Customer Service: an oxymoron or tautology?

July 23, 2013
Alitalia Customer Service: an oxymoron or tautology?
You have received a customer complaint. Do you focus to minimise your financial loss or the loss of face your company may suffer? This thought crossed my mind when I lodged a claim with Alitalia for delayed delivery of our luggage on July 1. We had enjoyed a wonderful trip to Italy recently. For five days we stayed in a private apartment in Florence just round the corner of Piazza de Santa Croce.

Read more about my frustrations

Microsoft: How can we help you?

February 8, 2013
Microsoft: How can we help you?
How can we help you? A friend of mine called this morning to say that, despite the spamassassin I had installed, he had received almost 2000 spam messages and whether I could help. Not certain how one could receive suddenly so much spam I was somewhat bewildered and took an eager look. The spam turned out to be legitimate system messages of servers stating that the user-id was wrong, did not accept mail from unknown sources etc.

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